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Calacanis Alexa Rank Gaming Experiment

It is well known that Alexa traffic rankings are based on the usage patterns of Alexa Toolbar. Simply put, the more times your website is visited by browsers loaded with Alexa toolbar, higher is your Alexa ranking. So you can easily increase your Alexa ranking by getting more Alexa toolbar powered visitors.

Jason Calacanis says that you can game Alexa with as few as three machines running the Alexa toolbar. To test this he is running a Alexa gaming experiment, where he is encouraging his readers to install the Alexa Toolbar, load his blog 100 times (page autorefresh tools make this easy) over next 10 days and then stop. And they will let you know the impact.

There is no doubt the Alexa ranking will increase dramatically and then will fall to lower levels once the experiment stops. But the effect will lead to a long term increase in Alexa rank because now more of his readers will have the Alexa toolbar installed and keep on polling the Alexa rank.

The current Alexa rank of the Calacanis blog at is 13,773 and the experiment seems to be boosting the Alexa rank today to 3,794 and that is just the beginning…