If you wish to shut down your windows loaded computer, you need to press start > Turn Off Computer > Turn Off. This 3 step process can easily be replaced by a desktop shortcut icon that shuts down your computer in one click.
Windows Shut Down Button
Here is a nice tutorial to create shortcuts on your desktop to shut down your computer and you do not need to be a computer expert to get it working (Although a Power Key might be the fastest way).
Right-click anywhere on the Desktop > New > Shortcut
You basically need to create the shortcut pointing to “shutdown -s -t 0” (copy and paste exactly without quotes) and you are done.
Change the icon to the power button for added effect.
Right-click on the new Shortcut on the desktop > Properties > Shortcut > Change icon
Now simply click the Shut down button to power off Windows XP in one click. Reminds me of Brutus which can Lock, Log Off, Restart, and Shut Down Windows in One Click. What about Press any key fun.