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Pixelotto : New Million Dollars Pixel Advertising by Alex Tew

Remember Alex Tew, creator of the Million Dollar Homepage, who earned money quickly using the new concept of pixel advertising selling pixels for $1. He earned a cool million dollars in a few months and the million dollar homepage was sold out, and a huge success. The last 1000 pixels were sold on ebay to close the deal.

News is out that Alex Tew is trying his luck again and launching Pixelotto on December 5, 2006. Techcruch says that “he plans to sell each pixel for $2, plus hold some kind of lottery where the winner who clicks the right advertisement will win $1 million”. Alex Tew has sent emails to previous Million Dollar Homepage customers to purchase advertising space on Pixelotto (via a special link) before the site goes public on December 5. That gives these loyal customers a chance to get their choice of advertising space before the rush begins.

With the Pixelotto buzz spreading, his prior success with the Million Dollar Homepage (PR7 site now), a chance to win million dollars by clicking ads (that will drive traffic to advertisers), a win-win situation for all – I feel Pixelotto might prove to be a success too. Its easy to make fast money, you just need the right idea!

On a related note: You can create your own million dollar homepage too. Or get inspired to put million dollar advertising on buildings.