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Playing the Blog Tag Game

There is a blog tag game going around the blogosphere in which bloggers are sharing five things about themselves that relatively few people know, and then tagging five other bloggers to be “it.”

I am thankful to be blogtagged by SEO News Blog, and decided to play along the blog-tag game. You can track the The Blog Tag Tree to see the progress of the game.

First the 5 trivia about my blog you did not know –

1. I started this blog with the title “Quick Online Tips That Work” and then shortened the name in a few weeks as it was too long. My oldest readers might remember. Read more about us.

2. My all time most commented post (with over 240 comments) which has also generated the most “thank you” comments also, has been about capturing Windows Media Player snapshots.

3. My first post which earned me over $100 in one day in advertising revenue (when daily earnings were just a few dollars) was about a electronic mosquito racket which got picked up by several top blogs.

4. The first post which brought a steady stream of traffic and some recognition to this blog was the Absolutely tools collection (still regularly updated).

5. The post which still gets me the most daily traffic is the Amazing Youtube Tools collection. (also regularly updated)

As per rules, I am tagging these 5 blogs I love to read
Digital Inspiration
Lorelle on WordPress
Liz Strauss

I hope they play along. Play the blog tag game today! If no one has blog-tagged you, post in comments and someone playing the game may give your blog a look and maybe tag you too.