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Bloglines Still Most Popular Web RSS Feed Reader, Rojo is Next

RSS news aggregators have revolutionized the way you read blogs. If you are wondering which is the most popular feed reader, the answer is given by Hitwise which says that Bloglines is by far the most popular feed reader.

They say the market share of US visits to Bloglines was 3 times greater than Rojo, its nearest competitive web-based feed reader and display charts below shows the traffic trend over the past year for the leading web-based feed readers.

I recently switched from Bloglines to Google Reader. They say that Google Reader still has only 1/13 of the market share of visits of Bloglines. If I analyze my feedburner readers, the largest section of 35% readers use Bloglines, followed by Netvibes at 14%. But Feedburner is still not tracking Google Reader subscribers. Techcrunch gives their view on this.

“One semi-obvious explanation is that Google Reader requires far fewer page refreshes than Bloglines. This would decrease their page view numbers, but not visits, which is what Hitwise tracks. We may need to wait until Feedburner starts tracking Google Reader directly as well to triangulate its true popularity.”

Robert Scoble (with his famous link blog) is questioning how Google Reader stacks up in your feed reading behavior. Which is your favorite RSS feed reader?