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Jessica Lee Rose (Lonelygirl15) Tops Forbes Web Celeb 25 List

Forbes has released the Web Celeb 25 which is a list of the biggest, brightest and most influential people on the Internet from bloggers to podcasters to YouTube stars. They defined “Web Celeb” as a person famous primarily for creating or appearing in Internet-based content, and for being highly recognizable to a Web-based audience.

So how was this Web Celeb 25 list compiled? From a list of 110 Web celebrities, each candidate was ranked in five areas: Web references as calculated by Google, traffic ranking of their home page as calculated by Alexa, Technorati rank of their primary Web site or blog, and TV/radio mentions and press clips compiled from Factiva.

Jessica Lee Rose as Lonelygirl15

Probably you already know most of them as top bloggers. The top web celebrity is Jessica Lee Rose of Lonelygirl15 fame. Well known as Bree, a 16-year-old home-schooled American teenager who recorded her private thoughts into a digital video camera and posted on YouTube under the name Lonelygirl15 and became YouTube’s most-watched stars. Then the videos were exposed as scripted fakes, and Bree identity was revealed as 19-year-old New Zealand-born actress Jessica Rose.

See if your favorite web celebrity is listed…