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The Z-List Blog Meme Challenges Technorati A-List

Mack Collier started the Z-List, to create a meme built around giving link-love to the blogs that deserve it, and challenge the Technorati system of using blog backlinks to determine its authority (the A list blogs). Based on some basic cut and paste guidelines, the Z-List has gradually increased in popularity and is spreading across the blogosphere showcasing some cool blogs.

I spotted the Z-List at Connected Internet blog and I found that you too can participate in the Meme. Below are some simple guidelines:

  1. Create a new post on your blog
  2. Copy and Paste the entire list of blog links below
  3. Add any blogs that you want to include near the top of the list. (This isn’t compulsory, so you can either add as many blogs as you want or none at all.)
  4. Include the blog where you first got the list from, on the list in your post
  5. Do not include your own blog links on the list in your post
  6. Make sure that all links point to each blog’s homepage
  7. Publish the Post

A-list bloggers have always been a matter of envy and parodies. A quick look at a 100K feedburner feed counter on a top blog can make your 1K feel insignificant. Remember the John Scott $10000 Challenge for linking to Non Technorati Top 100 blogs. If you still believe in Technorati counts, find which type of blogebrity you are…