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Need a Free Entry Pass to Elite Retreat?

The Elite Retreat is back from March 19 – 20 in San Francisco, California to take your business to another level as they help you optimize your business structure. If you could not afford the premium fee of $4950 to participate in the event, you could win a free entry pass to the Elite Retreat!

Darren Rowse talks about the free ticket offer

“You need to send in an email to contest(at)eliteretreat(dot)info with your contact information (name, email address, phone number, and mailing address) AND your answer to the following question:
Why should a legitimate business need to worry about branding?
If you choose to participate and send in your email, you MUST be ready and willing to book your airfare and hotel reservations right away as the conference is less than 1 week away!”

The last date is March 14th, 2007 at 12:00pm CST. So grab this offer and join the Elite Retreat to meet and chat with Jeremy (Shoemoney) Schoemaker, Guy Kawasaki, Kris Jones, Lee Dodd, Aaron Wall, Neil Patel and Darren Rowse.

Update: Wendy from Emoms at Home wins the free ticket.