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WordPress Plugins Directory : Find Most Popular Plugins

WordPress bloggers are always on the lookout for cool plugins to add extra functionality to their blog. There are so many best wordpress plugin lists online (many including the plugins I use) that it is difficult to assess which are actually the most popular ones. The new WordPress plugin directory categorizes plugins in way that help you find the most useful plugins for your blog. It is now a central place to find and download WordPress plugins.

The best way to track a popular plugin is to see the number of downloads. Akismet seems to be the most popular plugin.
* Akismet Downloaded 133,901 times
* widget Downloaded 97,042 times
* Subscribe to Comments Downloaded 12,093 times
* Page Links To Downloaded 2,887 times
* Kramer Downloaded 2,054 times
* No WWW Downloaded 1,639 times

The newest plugins help you find the latest functionality being added to wordpress. WordPress plugin developers are constantly innovating new ideas and this is a nice way to track them. The Recently updated plugins list keeps track if your favorite plugin just got an update. Mark points out that the WordPress directory acts as a front-end to The main conduit connecting the two is the readme.txt format that evolved.

WordPress can host your plugin for you. You can then keep track of how many people have downloaded it, see comments about it, get your plugin rated and get lots of exposure in the wordpress directory. But remember you wordpress plugin must be GPL Compatible.

There is some good news for developers too, You now have:
* Exposure to the lots of dedicated wordpress traffic
* Free SVN hosting for GPL plugin development at
* Automatic download packages with their free hosting
* Statistics about people using and downloading your plugins.
* Prominent links to your homepage
* Specify a Paypal donation link from your plugin page.

Now all that news should make WordPress all the more popular and easy to customize with encouragement and motivation to all. Switch to WordPress today. Its worth it.