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24 Hours of Flickr : Global Photo Project

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Flickr, the popular photo sharing service invites you to 24 Hours of Flickr, a day-long global photo project. On May 5 2007, grab your camera and chronicle your day in pictures.

The aim of the 24 Hours of Flickr project is to illustrate one day in the life of the Flickr community May 5, 2007. You can only submit a photo taken on May 5, though you have until May 21 to add your photo. Join the 24 Hours of Flickr group and then post your best photo to the group. Make sure you add your photos to the map using the Organizr.

And there is a chance your photo may become famous. The event will be commemorated by a companion 24 Hours of Flickr book, which will contain a selection of photographs chosen from the group and the group’s photos will be featured at Flickr events around the world this summer.

Remember to checkout these great Flickr tools too.

Update: The 24 hours of Flickr book is on sale. It commemorates a global photo event held on May 5, 2007 and represents themes from the day as well as images that illustrate the diversity and quality of the million+ photos being uploaded to Flickr every day. Flickr and Blurb will each donate $1 for every book sold to Mdecins Sans Frontires up to $10,000 (USD).