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April Fools Day: Top Bloggers Bluff Readers

Today is April 1st and its April Fools Day. Top bloggers are at it again creating false news and events to bluff their readers, surprise them, and celebrate April fool’s day!

John Chow did his last post and posted that all future posts on John Chow dot Com will be done by Michael Kwan and Mitchell Harper. He is going on a permanent vacation after selling his company, TTZ Media Inc., to a Toronto-based Internet Venture Company for a huge undisclosed sale price and the interest on the money alone would put him in the top 1% income bracket.

The ShoeMoney Station was officially shut down. If you hit refresh you never saw the April fool’s day page. He tweaked the index.php such that if you are requesting any file other than the root domain of it does normal WordPress stuff. It checks to make sure you have not seen the April fools’ day site before and shows it to you.

TechCrunch acquired F*, a website that features breaking stories on dot com company failures. Following the completion of the transaction, the unique monthly visitors to the combined sites will be roughly double what achieves currently. Readers commented it was another April fool’s hoax!

Technorati changed its name and logo. If you visit Technorati right now you see their logo is called Chatnoritre or ChinaoTter and is still changing every time I reload.

Technorati April Fools Technorati April Fools

Another top news is that Matt Cutts’s blog was hacked (He is the famous Google Engineer that keeps the Google index clean). The Dark SEO Team has pulled a prank on him today and Matt’s blog is down and archives wiped out as well. And Matt comments on Twitter too. Readers are hoping it is an April Fool joke (No one believes you on April 1st!)

How are you tricking your readers this April Fool’s day!