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Crossing 10,000 RSS Feed Subscribers Milestone

Today the blog crossed another historic milestone with the feedburner chicket displaying 10101 feed subscribers / readers. While my feed subscriber count was hovering around 9500+ subscribers since the last few weeks, today it finally broke the ten thousand readers barrier. I shifted from Blogger to WordPress over a year ago with around 1700 subscribers. Since then the feed count is steadily increasing. Recently my feed count doubled since Google allowed subscriber count tracking.

Below is a snapshot my current feed subscribers distribution.

10000 feed subscribers

Below is a snapshot of my feed readers 2 months back when the count doubled! There has been increase in subscribers from Google Reader, Netvibes and Outlook 2007, while the Bloglines counts are little changed.
8000 feed subscribers

Most QOT readers prefer Google Reader. I myself switched to Google Reader which is possibly the best online RSS aggregator and talked about some power tips for Google Reader which readers may find useful. Now can I aim to be included in the top 40 feed subscribers in the blogosphere…

I take this opportunity to thank all these 10K+ feed subscribers who spend their valuable time checking back daily for updates on this blog and help us improve it via their comments and criticism. Keep reading Quick Online Tips and I promise to keep great content coming…