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Google Voice Local Search Offers Free 411 Services

Google Labs has launched a new product called Google Voice Local Search or Goog-411 to make local-business search accessible over the phone. It is an experiment on Google Labs that offers free 411 like service, and you get fully-automated, fast access to local business information easily.

Try this service now by dialing 1-800-GOOG-411 (1-800-466-4411) from any phone. You can find a business listing by category (Just say “pizza” for example), you can send the listing details to your mobile phone via SMS and the service is fully automated, and doesn’t rely on human operators.

You don’t need a computer, or an Internet connection, or even your cell-phone keypad. It’s voice-activated, and you can access it from any phone (mobile or landline), in any location, at any time. This free 411 calls alternative is going to revolutionize the way you search for local business information.

Google Voice Local Search is free and Google doesn’t charge for the phone call or for connecting you to the business, however, regular phone charges may apply based on your telephone service provider. Its currently only available in English, in the US, for US business listings. They promise not to share your phone number with businesses or telemarketers.