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Yahoo! Mail to Offer Unlimited Free Email Storage

  • Tips

As Yahoo! Mail approaches its 10-year anniversary, they will begin offering everyone unlimited email storage starting in May 2007. Yahoo Mail starting with a humble 2MB storage space, later increased to 1GB, now plans infinite unlimited free storage for the future.

RocketMail, one of the world’s first webmail products, was acquired by Yahoo! and relaunched as Yahoo! Mail in 1997. While at one time the  total capacity for Yahoo! mail accounts was 200GB, now Yahoo! receives more inbound mail than that every 10 minutes!

The free email services have tough competition retaining users and it has a huge business potential. Gmail went invite-free recently and is already offering a huge 2GB and progressively increasing free email storage soultion. Rediffmail, a popular Indian email service gets unlimited email storage space. Windows Live Mail was rebranded Windows Live Hotmail to help users easily identify the hotmail brand and stay. Yahoo! Mail users will now have something to brag about…