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Major MSN Hotmail Update to Windows Live Hotmail

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After several reports that Windows Live Mail is being rebranded as Windows Live Hotmail, the official launch has started worldwide. Microsoft is rolling out the biggest Hotmail update ever with a massive 36-language upgrade from MSN Hotmail to Windows Live Hotmail rolling out gradually worldwide.

The new version of Hotmail improves safety, productivity and flexibility of their free email service across clients on the web, desktop and mobile phones. All new user email accounts will be created as Windows Live Hotmail accounts while existing MSN Hotmail users will be able to upgrade their accounts to Windows Live Hotmail by clicking the green “Join Windows Live Hotmail” button in their accounts after logging in.

New users will have the option of choosing between the full and classic experiences upon signing up. Existing Hotmail users will be defaulted onto the classic version, with the option to switch to full with just one click.

Earlier Live Hotmail beta testers got an email telling them of the rewards for participating in the beta and the testers got a special Beta Signature Badge to display online.
Hotmail beta tester

Discover Hotmail today with 2GB email storage, better spam protection, faster speed and more customization. The competition increases with Yahoo! Mail offering unlimited free email storage and Google Gmail opening worldwide without need for invites anymore.