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WPzipper Compiles Custom WordPress Installs

WPZipper is a cool tool to compile custom wordpress installs of the latest wordpress version files, with your favorite plugins and themes. In 3 simple steps, you can always get the custom wordpress install you need.

WPzipper lets you search and select your favorite plugins, then select your favorite themes – add as many as you like (remove as many as you like) via a cool ajax interface. They emailed us that they recently updated the latest version which now includes almost 3,000 themes and you have the ability to save your virtual install that you’ve created for download later.

In the end it gives you 2 options to “Generate a full WordPress zip file” or “Generate a plugins & themes only zip file”. If you prefer (and trust) to download WordPress directly from, then you select the plugins-only option.

I tried both options. After unzipping, I found a complete wordpress install with the latest versions of my selected plugins and themes neatly tucked in the appropriate wp-content subfolders. If you prefer the plugins only option – It unzipped 2 neat folders titled plugins and themes.

Remember, these download links will ‘self-destruct in 1 hour’. If you create an account and save your selections (good if you made a long list) as a virtual install to your account, you save time in future installations.

Their blog reveals they have had over 100,000 downloads by May end. This is a convenient method for wordpress newbies to get your wordpress installs. Try it out. If even that seems difficult, then you can get experts to install WordPress for free!