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Buy 100 Quality Blog Comments for $19.99!

A new service lets you buy quality blog comments without finding someone to write comments, or buying some high priced automated commenting program. You can buy 100 Blog Comments for $19.99 or 1000 Blog Comments for $199.99! If automated comment spam was not enough to waste your blogging time, paid comments spam promises to give bloggers a new challenge.

Akismet has been effectively blocking thousands of spam on this blog, but this type of human comment spam will be difficult for such antispam services to deal with too. This new service shows how it works

“We hired a few people who go through a list of blogs in a database we set up and pick out blogs that are in your niche. They then read through blog posts and leave a comment that has to do with the blog post they read, that way it won’t get deleted. Your backlink will then be on a targeted blog, giving you more weight in the search engines.”

It will be difficult to identify these spam paid comments as the blog comments will be related to the blog post topic and will look completely like legit comments.

Has paid commenting started?

I just moderated and accepted lots of very valid and interesting comments by 2 individuals on multiple posts. These are comments which Akismet would never block. These are comments you would welcome on a poorly commented post. These are comments which readers would like to respond to and discuss. These are comments which search engines would like to index and follow. There are no links or spam words to trigger blogging filters.

The comment review panel is full with such comments which makes me wonder if I should start rejecting these comments. Has paid commenting has started on this blog? Why am I looking at each comment with suspicion? Why do I feel so sad …