Whenever I tweak my website design, a yellow form field background often fills up some (not all) form fields in my web browser (both IE and Firefox). I tried tweaking the site CSS and tried all sorts of form field tweaks, but the Yellow Form Field Background would just not go away. I am sure the yellow form fields bugs all web designers too. I finally identified the cause…
I identified that the cause of the yellow form field background was the Google Toolbar (one of the popular toolbars) Though most of us add the very useful Google toolbar to our browsers, we fail to check the option and settings which influence the way we browse.
Remove Yellow Form Field Background Color
In the installed Google Toolbar, select the “Settings” drop down menu (on the extreme right side) and click on “Options”. Under the large range of features, locate Autofill and click the “Autofill Settings” button. At the bottom you will find the Highlight option. Uncheck the box “Highlight fields on webpages that Autofill can update in Yellow” and press OK. Refresh your webpages and the yellow form field background is gone!