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WordPress Shop Selling T-shirts: Now Shipping Worldwide

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Want to wear an official WordPress T-shirt to show your dedication to WordPress? Till now buying a WordPress Tshirt was difficult outside the US, but now the Official WordPress shop is shipping orders worldwide. Grab your T-Shirt.

The announcement says the “Styles are available for a limited time, we’ll probably to about 2-3 a year, and once they’re gone the style will never be printed again”. Visit the WordPress Shop and select your location by clicking on the world map. There is basically the US shop shipping to North America and South America and the International shop shipping elsewhere.

Wordpress T-shirtThere is not much for sale at present except for a single red T-Shirt in various sizes from Small to XXX-Large for Men and Women. It is a fine jersey short sleeve t-shirt in red, made by American Apparel, screen printed with the WordPress logo on the centre chest.

For Indian buyers, a WordPress T-shirt will cost you 14 Pounds (Cost 9.5 Pounds + 3.5 Pounds Shipping) which will cost over Rs.1120 per T-shirt (Rs.80 per UK pound). But I am sure there are wordpress bloggers out there filling up the order form right now.

In case you like white and black WordPress Tshirts, the limited edition WordPress T-shirts which were announced earlier might still be available. The wordpress geocache was another way to get free wordpress shirts.

Update: the new WordPress Swag Store is now open.