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How to Report Feed Content Republishing to Feedburner

What do you do if someone creates a new Feedburner feed using your original feed or a splog decides to republish your feed content. Of course there are ways to complain, but I spotted this new feature on Feedburner, which lets you complain when someone is using your content without permission.

A few fake blogs, mostly made-for-Adsense sites, were republishing our feed withour permission (the reason why we have partial feeds and feed copyright notices). I was figuring out a way to report this to Feedburner for some time, when courteous emails to webmasters failed to resolve the issue.

Today I visited the Feedburner contact page (this tip works only when you are logged in), and found new topic option –
“Someone is using my content without my permission.”

Click on the option revealed
“If someone else has burned a FeedBurner feed of your content, or there is a website displaying content from your feed without your consent, please let us know.”

Then there is a single form to report the url of the site or feed reusing your content. I sent in a few report and got an automated response titled “Content Repurposing Inquiry” with an assurance that you will soon be contacted by an actual FeedBurner employee who will provide the guidance you need to get that problem solved.

Is some bad blog republsihing your feedburner feed – Let them know.