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QOT Blog Featured on Indian Express Newspaper

The Sunday Indian Express has featured our blog Quick Online Tips on their ‘News for Use” section titled “Blog Buster” which gives a “low down on the top-ranking Indian Blogs“. It was a great joy to see our blog featured and recommended in this major Indian newspaper Indian Express. Check the screenshots.

You can actually read this newspaper entry online and see it exactly as it appears in print by logging into the Indian Express E-paper (a great way to read newspapers) and check us out on Page 9. Anyway, below is a screenshot of the Page 9 of today’s Sunday Indian Express from the e-paper.

Indian Express Page 9

On the right side column is the section Blog Buster – “Game for advice”, below is the enlarged the text as it appears in print. Check it out.

QOT on Indian Express

Its obvious our long domain name failed to fit inside the column size and they had to fit in a hyphen (Tip: its always better to buy a shorter domain name). Hyphens / dashes are a valid component of website urls and I hope people do not type and get a non existent domain name. An alternative way would be to use (without the www) instead of (both work!).

As regards our ‘messy 3 column look’, we shifted from 2 column to 3 column look recently to accomodate the growing content of this blog (Now its time to declutter the sidebars!). You can read more in the About Us section and track news about us.

I take this opportunity to thank the QOT readers, without whose dedicated support this blog would not be where it is today. Thank you readers! Thank you Indian Express!