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My First Cartoon: The Blogger Dilemma

Recently I decided to test my caricature and drawing skills to create cartoons related to blogging and tech in general. I will often present my thoughts via cartoons from now on. Please feel free to post these cartoons on your blog, provided you maintain the proper attribution, copyright notice, and a link back.

Here is my first cartoon. Yes, I drew those characters and photoshopped some text.

blogger dilemma

When I was a newbie blogger, top bloggers advised me to read lots of feeds from the popular blogs to get motivated with new blogging ideas to wriet about. I kept on subscribing these feeds in hundreds, and though I had a lot of great content to read, I was too tired to blog at the end of it with perpetual unread posts sitting in Google Reader. Then I read that the best way to gain blogging time is read very few selected feeds and save time to blog your own original content. But then I still often wonder what to blog about. The blogger dilemma continues…

Use this Cartoon on your blog

1. Do not edit or crop the image.
2. Do not remove our copyright notice.
3. Link back to this original cartoon page for credits.
5. You can host the image on your own server.
6. You can add border=1 in the img code to add a thin border to the image.