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Disable WordPress Version and Plugin Update Checking

The new version of WordPress 2.3 is released and a cool, much requested feature is that wordpress now automatically checks for new wordpress versions and new plugin releases and notifies you. But some people concerned about privacy and sharing issues can disable these features easily via some more plugins.

Disable WordPress Core Update – thi plugin will disable the core update checking system and prevent WordPress from checking for updates, and prevents any notifications from being displayed in the admin area.

Disable WordPress Plugin Updates – this plugin will disable the plugin update checking system and prevents WordPress from checking for updates, and prevents any notifications from being displayed on the Plugins page.

These plugins are useful for webmasters who run multiple WordPress installations and do not require repeated similar information. Also if you are very concerned about what information is being shared, you can use these plugins for privacy issues.

But it is easy to know your wordpress version, and most common wordpress plugins are easily visible at work; it is best to keep your wordpress versions and plugins updated, since they incorporate many security fixes (to protect your blog), besides new features and bug fixes.

I personally have found this feature very useful as I do not need to keep checking for plugin updates every few days.