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Download iTunes DRM-free Music for 99 cents!

  • Apple

Apple has announced that iTunes Plus will now offer over two million tracks with the lowered price of just 99 cents. All iTunes Plus tracks feature DRM-free music with high quality 256 kbps AAC encoding for audio quality, and makes the The iTunes Plus catalog the largest DRM-free catalog in the world!

iTunes Plus songs purchased from the iTunes Store will play on all iPods, iPhone, Windows or Mac computers, widescreen TVs with Apple TV, as well as many other digital music players. They say  iTunes Store features the world�s largest catalog with over six million songs, 550 television shows and over 500 movies and has sold over three billion songs, 100 million TV shows and over two million movies.

Digital rights management (DRM) refers to technologies used by publishers and other copyright holders to limit usage of digital media or devices. DRM-free has now become a buzz word in the music industry to encourage people to download more music. And at $0.99 for each music track, which is DRM-free – its a good deal.