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SMS Google Search Query to 54664 (5GOOG)

Need to get quick search results from Google via your mobile phone in India? Google India runs a new mobile service that lets you SMS your search query to them, and they will text message back the results.

Visit the Google Mobile SMS page and you are informed that simply text message your search query to 54664 (‘5GOOG‘ on most devices) and they text message back results.

Google SMS is a premium SMS service and following mobile text messaging charges will be applied depending on your mobile service provider.
Aircel: Rs. 3
Airtel: Rs. 2
BPL: Rs. 3
BSNL: Rs. 0.80/1.00 (post-paid/pre-paid)
Reliance: Rs. 3

You can further personalize your SMS by saving your location or they will automatically save your most frequently used location for future queries. Simply text ‘set location’ followed by a valid location (locality and/or city).

Now that is a cool way to search Google India when you have no computer or internet access. Did you give this service a try?
