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Authentication Errors at Microsoft Live Search Webmaster Tools

Live Search Webmaster Center has gone live and is open to webmasters to optimize their site for SEO. Now website owners can take advantage of everything Live Search has to offer and get the better search engine results for their website. However, I am getting Authentication Errors when I registered my site…

Microsoft Live Search Webmaster Tools

Webmasters can use the Webmaster Tools to troubleshoot the crawling and indexing of their websites, submit sitemaps and view statistics about websites. You can also add your website and get some revealing statistics.

Remember you need a Windows Live ID to get started. If you do not have a MSN Hotmail, MSN Messenger, or Microsoft Passport account like me, you can use any email ID (I used gmail) to create a Windows Live ID.

Authentication Errors at Live Search Webmaster Tools

I tried to add my site several times, but keep getting these authentication errors for the last 2 days. I believe the issue has something to do with site validation and I hope they will fix the bug. Is anyone else getting the same authentication errors?

Live Search Webmaster Tools Errors

Anyway here are a few screenshots you can check out at SEO roundtable. Earlier they had offered limited invites for testing Microsoft Live Search Webmaster Portal, now you can go ahead and create your account.

Now you can SEO optimize your site for the top 3 search engines easily. Google Webmaster Central and Yahoo! Site Explorer already offer similar services to webmasters.

Update 22/11/07 – Finally I was able to add my site. It now shows Domain Rank 5.
Domain Rank