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Find Popular Blogs on Bloglines Top 1000

Bloglines is a popular online feed reader, and recently faced with tough competition by Google reader, the new Bloglines beta has put in some nice features. If you wonder what popular blogs Blogliners read, Bloglines Top 1000 is for you.

Bloglines Top 1000 is categorizing the blogs by number of bloglines subscribers. So if you have a lot of readers who use Bloglines (like many big older blogs), then you have a higher rank. When I checked our last Feedburner statistic counts, of our over 13200 feed subscribers, only 1416 QOT readers use Bloglines. So our current rank is #576 on Bloglines 1000.

It is interesting to see the top movers, new entrants and charts in the Bloglines 1000. At one time Bloglines was the top feed reader and competion has led them to develop innovative ways (like Bloglines Imagewall) to get more RSS feed users to use their service.

Do I use Bloglines? I converted to Google Reader long ago and here are some power tips for Google reader users.