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Where is Santa Claus Now? Track Santa Live on Christmas

Where is Santa Claus right now on his Christmas visit delivering holiday gifts and Christmas presents to children worldwide? Google has partnered with NORAD to help you locate Santa Claus on Google Maps and Google Earth in real time.

Find Santa Claus Location on Christmas

Visit the NORAD Santa Operations Centre where Santa Cams are activated. Google Maps will refresh Santa’s position every 5 minutes. As I write this, he is visiting Greenville, Mississippi, United States.

Here is the first Sighting of Santa Claus this Christmas at North Pole.

Track Santa in 3D with Google Earth and see Santa and his reindeer in 3D with more of Santa’s stops around the world. Here is the Santa Tracker file (.kmz) if you already have Google Earth installed.

Santa Claus Visits India

That video tracked Santa Claus Visit to India at Taj Mahal, one of the new 7 wonders of the World. View videos recorded by Santa Cams and available as a Youtube playlist.

UPDATE: Here is how to Track Santa on Christmas 2008