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Have You Been QOTed?

Recently 2 friendly bloggers emailed to thank me that I QOTed his wonderful article and drove some nice targeted traffic their way with a spike in their feed reader count. It was interesting to hear that similar to Slashdotted, BoingBoinged, you can be QOTed too!

Many top blogs and popular portals can drive huge site traffic to websites when they recommend or link to some article of theirs. Some new blogging terms have emerged over time to decribe these traffic surges that crash servers of shared hosting webistes.

Some common server crashers are –

Slashdotted – When a story links to your content.

Dugg – The community promotes your link to the front page.

BoingBoinged – When the BoingBoing directory of wonderful things finds your post interesting.

Farked – The editors like your article headline and decide to share it with thousands of readers.

Instalanched – If Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit liked what you wrote.

Scobleized – When you are scanned by the watchful Robert Scoble at Scobleizer.

In the end it feels nice to add
QOTedQOTed – when Quick Online Tips finds your content interesting. It won’t drive traffic anywhere as huge as any of these very reputed sites above, nor will it crash your server, but the wonderful QOT community like to find intesting stuff and will bookmark, tag, and share your content along….

Its surprising how much QOTed sounds like ‘Quoted’. Have you been QOTed yet?