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Need Firefox Help? Live Support Chat with Firefox Experts

  • Tips

Firefox experts are providing Live Chat support to users of Firefox. There are lots of new Firefox web browser users and IE converts who can’t solve Firefox issues, and now getting real time help will be easy. If you are a Firefox Pro, you can opt in to share your knowledge too.

Free Firefox Support

Firefox FoxkehInitially Live Chat Firefox Support is open 3 hours a day from Monday through Friday only when volunteers can commit to being online to take questions.

Live Chat support is for Firefox only. As of now, support is in English language only. What you say will be recorded – transcripts will be kept for quality purposes and to keep info in the knowledge base up to date.

Current Support timings

  • Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 9am to 12pm PST (GMT -8)
  • Tuesday and Thursday: 1pm to 4pm PST (GMT -8)

If you cannot provide support in those hours, they have an After hours policy where you can login to the server anytime and help any users. If you can reliably operate in those hours, let them know and maybe operating hours might be expanded.

Remember that helpers are only volunteers and are not authorised Mozilla employees. As always, Mozilla will never ask you for personal information or passwords. So protect your privacy online. If you are Firefox guru, help newbie Firefox users in troubleshooting their issues.

To get started, you will need to install the Spark client for your OS. Spark is a third party application that, combined with the server-side Openfire software, lets you take questions from the users who access the Live Chat support through a web interface.

More Firefox support is available in the knowledge base or the forum or the basic troubleshooting article.