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Expanding the QOT Network

We have been gradually expanding the QOT brand beyond our regular blog. Based on the type of content, it was not possible to share all the cool content on the main blog – so we gradually expanded into a tumblelog, a status blog and now forums.

Notes@QOT is where you can find some very short links, quotes, videos and amusing content. It was started in January and I post some cool very short stuff there. It is powered by Tumblr, the easiest way to blog.

Discuss@QOT are the new forums where you can ask a question, post your press release, share yor new product and get feedback from the QOT community. Powered by bbPress, an amazing forum software by the creators of wordpress. Its about a week old and growing. Some featured content will pass on to the QOT feed.

Status@QOT – is our status blog which provides an alternate means to post when our sites our down due to any issues. It is hosted on Blogger by Google. This is the oldest blog of these and is rarely needed now due our powerful webhosting by Dreamhost.

So how do you keep track of all this content? I have used Yahoo Pipes to integrate the feeds of the main blog, status blog, Buzz@QOT, and some featured posts from the forums and linkblog. So your currently subscribed feed will continue to extract the best content as ever. I hope you enjoy and participate in the expanding horizons of QOT. You can visit the subscribe page for grabbing individual feeds of these blogs if you like.

You can join the QOT MyBlogLog community and follow me on Twitter too.