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Firefox Crosses 500 Million Downloads: Donate Free Rice

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The World’s favorite web browser has topped 500 million downloads and continues to capture the web browser market while eating away the share of the popular Internet Explorer. They are celebrating by asking you to donate free rice now.

As the world tracked the historic milestone using Firefox Download counters, Firefox easily crossed the 500 million downloads mark. They are celebrating by raising 500 million grains of rice in one day to help feed the world’s poor.

Donate Free RiceThey want everyone to visit and attempt to push the days total over 1/2 billion. If they reach 500 million grains of rice, that’s a direct contribution in feeding 25,000 people for one day!

To donate Free rice, you need to play a word game (and your vocabulary needs to be good!). Click on the answer that best defines the word, if you get it right, you get a harder word. If wrong, you get an easier word. For each word you get right, they donate 20 grains of rice to the United Nations World Food Program.

Check the free rice total donations by date, and you can track how much rice was donated. It usually averages over 100 million rice grain everyday anyway. Lets see if the Firefox users can push the free rice limits like the firefox downloads.