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2 Years on WordPress!

2 WordPress YearsTime flies! 2 years have passed since we moved QOT from blogger to WordPress on this domain name. The journey has been great with this blog increasing in popularity, fame, readers, traffic and earnings. I guide you through some key events about QOT since our 1 year on WordPress post.

The great PageRank 6 (some articles at PR7!) has ensured that traffic is at an all-time high with 9000+ daily visitors and 14000+ pageviews daily. Our articles are getting indexed by Google in minutes and Google reader grabs our post instantly. Google granted us a few site links too, a privilege of top sites. Even John Chow was wooing our readers via site targeting.

We recently expanded our network and created a tumblelog called Quick.Notes on Tumblr where you can find interesting photos, videos and quotes. The Status@QOT blog was developed as a backup resource on Blogger to communicate with the readers when this blog was down for whatever reason. Fortunately, Dreamhost continues to be a great hosting service the need to update a status blog was less than necessary. Forums@QOT was started on BBpress to let readers post their queries, press releases, ask queries and share their knowledge.

QOTedAs popularity increased, getting QOT’ed became a buzz word as QOT linked to bloggers at large driving traffic along the way. We got recommended on Indian Express newspaper and featured on Bloggers Face-off too. The Indian Technology Bloggers network I started continued to grow with some amazing bloggers.

Our earnings have doubled over the year. I briefly experimented with Intellitxt and am now back on Kontera. Google Adsense continues to be our biggest earner. Selling text link ads inspired the wrath of Google, which crashed our page rank from PR6 to PR3, and a desperate reinclusion request was thankfully acknowledged and the Google penalty was removed and PR6 was back.

We were more active in the Social networks and can be found on twitter, StumbleUpon, and MyBlogLog. Recently we opened up to guest blogging also and be ready to expect some great guest articles in the coming weeks.

Overall, its been a great year on WordPress and I thank all my readers who spend their valuable time reading our tips, commenting, and linking back. I hope to keep posting tips and tricks worth your time.