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15000 RSS Feed Readers!

Today our blog crossed an important milestone as our feedcount crossed 15,000 RSS feed readers for the first time. Its amazing that every new post buzzes across to 15,000 feed readers instantly. I thank all the readers who take some valuable time out of their busy schedules to read what we write.

A sudden jump of 500 readers has occurred in the last 2 weeks since we switched to full text feeds. Many readers have appreciated the conversion to full feeds. Contrary to my belief that full feed readers might never visit your site, the site traffic has not dropped, the Google Adsense revenue has not dropped and we were able to confuse some splogs with some new anti-scrapping plugins.

A break up of feed readers reveals

15000 RSS Readers

Most QOT Readers still prefer Google Products to read our feeds. Google reader is my default feed reader too. You can guest blog on QOT and now reach 15000 readers instantly, like some previous guest bloggers.

Update: Surprisingly we were at 10,000 RSS readers exactly a year ago – thats a 50% growth in feed readers in a year!