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Buy Joel Comm Google Adsense Secrets Book

Joel Comm has released an updated version of his bestselling Google Adsense Secrets 4.0 that promises to explain “What Google never told you about making money with Adsense“. Joel Comm’s Adsense Secrets book has often been called the best-selling Adsense book online and helped many Google Adsense publishers understand the basics of tapping the huge money-making potential of Google Adsense.

Joel Comm Google Adsense Secrets Book

Joel Comm Google Adsense 4 BookI had the opportunity to read an earlier version of the Joel Comm Adsense Secrets book and learned a lot of Adsense tricks to boost my income. Though many tips were common sense, some were truly enlightening. Many of these tips and tricks gradually made their way into blogs and forums and helped Adsense publishers. The Official Adsense Blog and Adsense Help helped to popularize Adsense optimization techniques that could help webmasters generate more revenue from their sites.

As Adsense policies have changed over the years, and new AdSense formats like Video Ads, 2×2 units, and expanding units have emerged, I am sure Joel Comm has some more good tips to offer. Previously the price was an expensive $97 for a pdf ebook, with a successful affiliate program too. Now I was surprised to see that Adsense Secrets is available for download at a cheap price of $9.95!

In this older video, Joel Comm talks about his AdSense history.

More tips worth your time – I am sure you know about rotating Adsense colors or matching AdSense fonts, which will help to increase CTR and avoid PSA ads. Learn about common Adsense mistakes and some cool Adsense WordPress plugins. Find more stuff at our Adsense Tips and Tools Collection.

Disclaimer: I have no financial or affiliate interest with this book or author.
