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New Default Avatars for Second Life Residents

  • Tips

Are you bored with your Second Life Avatars? New Second Life residents often find it difficult to customize their avatars initially, which can lead to funny goof-ups and embarrassing situations too. Second Life has now introduced a brand new set of default avatars.

New Second Life Avatars Five top Resident designers (like Adam n Eve, Nylon Pinkney, etc.) are offering new Residents this new look. New residents can now fly around with the confidence of their default avatar till they get more accustomed to changing their clothing, hairstyle, etc…

They promise new avatars will be swapped in and out of the avatar selection part of the registration process and the different styles will appeal to the widest possible users. Keep watching for the new avatars!

It’s easy to change Avatars in Second Life in a few seconds – simply open your inventory and go to Library > Clothing and drag and drop to get a new appearance to surprise your friends. This video will explain more ways to do it.