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Apple iPhone 3G Launch Day Buzz

Its July 11, and Apple iPhone 3G is finally released in several countries across the world. As iphone fans line up, we bring you the buzz evolving around the iphone today…

Phillip is live blogging from the Fifth Ave. iPhone line

5:30 a.m. The Apple employees in front confirm what I’ve been hearing: that there were more people earlier in the night but they left when they were told they had to sign a two-year contract with AT&T in order to buy an iPhone 3G today.

Engadget reviews if iPhone 3G can stand up to the competition

“If you’re an avid Symbian, BlackBerry, or Windows Mobile / Exchange user, chances are you might think the iPhone 3G is Apple playing catch-up — and you’re not wrong. 3G, GPS, third party apps, enterprise messaging, these are all old hat. But even the would-be iPhone killers being churned out weekly haven’t yet found a way to counter the iPhone’s usability and seamless integration of service and software, desktop and mobile, and media and internet… …For our money, you’re going to have a hard time finding a better device for two hundred bucks — or maybe even for any price.”

Gizmodo says the new iPhone OS 2.0 software is unlocked and jailbroken

“It was released just hours ago and it has already been cracked by the iPhone Dev Team. The first one took a couple of months, but this one was actually unlocked before Apple released it to the public.”

iFixit guys decided they needed to urgently disassemble the iphone following the launch and show the world what’s inside.

In a significant departure from the first iPhone, it appears that the LCD and glass covering are separate components– just like the iPod Touch. They were glued together before, making replacement screens very expensive. The glass breaks more than anything else, so this is great news for repairing the iPhone 3G!

While everyone was talking about the iPhone, someone decided to talk about the iphone dock

The iPhone 3G does not come with a dock, instead you need to buy it separately for $29.99. The bummer of it is that the dock that came with the 1st gen iPhone is incompatible with the 3G dock. The other bummer for some folks could possibly be that the 3G dock also doesn’t work with the original iPhone either.

They are not all black. See unboxing of the new White iPhone

AOL Radio for iPhone launched – Now available for free at the iTunes AppStore. Listen to your favorite AOL and CBS Radio stations using the iPhone (original and 3G) and iPod Touch on WiFi.

Everyone wanted to be the first one to grab an iPhone 3G. But Jonny Gladwell was first in line.