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Register .ME Domain Names: Now Open to Public

.ME domain names have finally opened to public registration and anyone can register .me domain names without restriction. As domain name registrars gear up to face the rush, webmasters and domainers are busy registering popular and strange domain names which can be sold for premium prices later.

Register .Me Domain Names

First the Sunrise Period closed wherein Trademark holders submitted requests for .ME domains. Then Landrush phase lasted from June 6 to June 26 when the public could apply without a trademark. But after the Landrush closed, domain names requested by multiple parties would still be auctioned between the requesting parties. Now from July 17, registration has opened on a first-come, first-served basis like any other domain name.

I checked that GoDaddy is offering .ME domain names for just $19.99/yr with a 2 year minimum registration. You can add on Private Registration for another $8.99/yr. Learn more about the How to Manage Domain Names Like A Pro.

Though .ME is the TLD for Montenegro, it promises some interesting domain name variations –,, …. Which .me domain name did you buy?