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Woopra Analytics 10000 Pageviews Limit: Hurdle to Success

I have been using Woopra real time web statistics tool for a few months now and the rich interface and detailed stats have me totally hooked. It is fun to watch your live traffic in real time and even interact with your visitors. But I still cannot make Woopra my default statistics tool…

Woopra 10000 views limit

woopra 10000

Woopra has set a 10000 pageview limit per day after which the statistics stop working. This is disappointing for larger traffic sites where this limit may be finished in few hours or even minutes! Our limit usually finishes off before the day is over, and a good stumbleupon crowd can finish the 10000 views limit in a few hours with no access to Woopra for the rest of the day. While my trusted Google Analytics and Sitemeter keep busy 24×7.

So why the limit – this is the official answer in the FAQ

During the beta period Woopra will track a maximum of 10,000 daily page views. If your site exceeds that number, excess page views will not be tracked. This allows us to maximize the number of beta test sites on the servers and gives users a taste of how Woopra works, while keeping server overhead costs low during development.

Woopra is still in beta testing and opening its doors gradually to a limited number of users to maintain the quality of service. I hope they remove this limit soon so that Woopra gets wider acceptance, because they definitely have a great tool challenging the competition and lifting the limit will encourage several more sites to join and spread the word.

I encourage you to try Woopra. Its a great statistics tool and the detailed visitor data and live stats are really amazing. The interface definitely make traffic stats easy to analyze and understand for anyone and you don’t need to be an analytics expert to get the it.

Did I mention that Woopra is free, but you need to get an invite to get started, so go and sign up to Woopra. Early adopters can now download a release candidate, currently available for public testing.