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Free Movable Type Pro 4.2 Blogger License

The newly released Movable Type 4.2 blogging platform promises to be the fastest and most secure release of Movable Type ever and comes packed with a free blogger license and new features that you’ve been asking for.

Movable Type Pro

Movable Type Pro is a fusion of blogging, content management and social networking and claims to be the only integrated social publishing platform on the market today. Some features you will like are Threaded comments, powerful comment spam blocker (Six Apart’s free, open source antispam product, TypePad AntiSpam), Live template previews, Paginated search results and entry pagination for dynamically published blogs, Redesigned template and widget management areas and simple templates for quick and easy site customization. And now you can easily build a social network with Member Profiles…

Free Movable Type Pro Blogger License

Challenging several free blogging tools like WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger – Movable Type Pro Blogger License is now available for free to anyone and everyone not running an official business. Which means bloggers can use this licences to host unlimited blogs, unlimited authors and unlimited community members. Check the new packages. Download the free version of Movable Type Pro for Bloggers.

MT Pro users can buy blogger support package for $100. For Business use by Media Companies & Publishers, Design & Development Firms and Small and Medium Sized Businesses, a 5 author MT Pro package still costs $395.