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Free Exchange of Apple iPhone 3G USB Power Adapters

Did you know that the new ultracompact Apple USB power adapter metal prongs that came bundled with your new Apple iPhone 3G can break off and remain in a power outlet, creating the risk of electric shock? Well Apple decided to fix the issue by offering free exchange to all customers.

Acting on few customer reports about detached power adapter prongs, Apple is willing to do free exchange of every ultracompact power adapter for a new redesigned adapter. These ultracompact USB power adapters were supplied with every iPhone 3G (or as an accessory) in the US, Japan, Canada, Mexico and Several Latin American countries. Apple warns users with such ultracompact power adapters to immediately stop using these power adapters till they exchange them.

So how will users charge the iPhone? Connecting the iPhone to their computer with the supplied USB cable, use a standard-sized Apple USB Power Adapter (with fold up prongs) or with a third party adapter designed to work with the iPhone, such as a car charger.

Is your adapter eligible for exchange? The photo above shows what your power adapter would look like. New replacement adapters will have a single green dot on the bottom.

When can you exchange? You can get your Replacement adapters starting October 10, 2008.  Order a replacement adapter via the web exchange program (ships within three weeks) or visit the Apple Retail Store.