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Britney Spears Launches New Site: Starts Blogging, Twittering

Britney SpearsPop diva Britney Spears has launched a new website and has started blogging! As news reports reveal that Britney has broken records with her new single “Womanizer” and leaped from #96 to #1 on the Billboard charts, Britney Spears plans a whole new online interaction with fans.

Britney Spears exposed her new website at, and Team Britney seems busy writing the Britney blog too (on MovableType). She promises new content, photos, videos, and exclusive footage which paparazzi have never got before.

To add to the complete online experience, Britney Spears now has her own Youtube channel, is microblogging on Twitter as @therealbritney, and got a fan base on Myspace and Facebook. She introduced her site on ET.

Britney has long ruled the internet and was famous online for topping the top ten viruses using celebrity names, being the most popular search on Yahoo!, and a favorite with celebrity baby naming contests. However, this year she is no longer the most dangerous celebrity to search for in cyberspace.