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Barack Obama Writes to 7-Year-Old Political Blogger Stas

Stanislaw “Stas” Gunkel is a 7-year-old blogger, who likes to blog about politics, Barrack Obama, and Sarah Palin on his blog Report from Planet Stas’. His political influence stirred Barack Obama to send him a letter five days before the election with some invaluable advice.

I leave you with three bits of advice that will make your life more fulfilling: Look out for other people, even when it does not directly benefit you; strive to make a difference everywhere you go; and get back up every time you are knocked down.

This news was enough to get the mainstream media all excited and landed him an interview on NBC Chicago

I knew there are a lot of young bloggers out there, but for a 7-year-old to blog about politics and be acknowledged for it is great.

Barack is often called America’s first ‘internet president’, for his mass communication via the internet, and it is amazing how he used the internet and social media to become President-Elect. I was touched when Barack Obama followed us on Twitter.