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Girl in Your Shirt for $75: Branded T-shirt Advertising Deal

A Girl in Your Shirt! T shirt marketing using custom branded T-shirts is a time-tested way to get publicity and business. Jena from promises to promote your brand to an online audience for as little as $75, by wearing your T-shirt.

Tshirt Advertising for Brand Marketing

girl in your tshirt

How does it work?

You buy the day you want your shirt and business products to be showcased. Jenae will open your package, talk about your company, then wear your shirt and spread the news.

Your brand will also get publicity on social media sites: Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, Viddler, and Seesmic too. Each package that is sent will have its own feature video showcase. Here are some pics on Flickr.

The pricing and day varies

For $75, she will wear your T-shirt on any day on a first-come first-serve basis. For $100, you can choose your day on a first-come-first-serve basis; and for $150 you can buy a holiday at a first-come-first-serve basis!

Of course, Sundays are off. Send your shirt two weeks before your selected date. You can also send in hoodies, jackets, etc with your product brochures, but Tanktops and revealing clothes are not allowed.

So is this Tshirt deal working?

If you check the calendar, December is fully booked! And the first edition has already started and you can check out how she features products.

BTW ShoeMoney will wear your Tshirt on Fridays to promote your brand to his readers for free. Disclosure: No financial interest.