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38% Techcrunch RSS Readers Use Outlook!

Techcrunch is by far the most read technology blog out there and they recently shared their RSS subscriber statistics which reveal that 38% of Techcrunch readers subscribe to their RSS feed using Outlook!

While most blogs who analyze their feed traffic report that Google Feedfetcher, Bloglines, Newsgator and Netvibes are the most commonly used RSS aggregators, it comes as a surprise when Techcrunch statistics reveal that of their 1.4 million RSS readers, 520,000 or about 38% come from Outlook. This suggests that Outlook also needs to be targeted by bloggers. See how to read RSS feeds in Outlook. Add our feed to Outlook and keep updated with our latest content.


Another surprise RSS newsreader which is used by 10% of Techcrunch readers is BlogRovr. You can download BlogRovR’s browser plug-in and tell RovR what blogs you like. As you browse, RovR will show you posts from these blogs about the page you’re on via a RovR tray which slides in briefly showing summaries of the posts it finds. Click on the summaries and read the full posts, hovering right on the pages they discuss. Add our feed to BlogRovr and keep track of what we are blogging about.

Last time when we tracked our feed statistics, around 47% of our readers used Google tools like Google reader to grab our feed. Do you also notice a high number of feed subscribers with Outlook and BlogRovr?