All Windows Live Hotmail Users Upgraded, No Switch Back

All Windows Live Hotmail user’s accounts are being upgraded by default to the new Hotmail with no way to revert back to the original Hotmail, and this is going to affect all Hotmail accounts within in a week.

Microsoft announced that they analyzed several thousand comments, fixed several bugs, and released five updates to the code, and now by the end of this week, all Windows Live Hotmail users will be upgraded to the new Hotmail.

New Hotmail Will Not Switch Back to Older Version

I spotted over 500 comments on that announcement and the majority of new Hotmail users seem to dislike the new version and are demanding to switch back to the older Hotmail version. But Hotmail is unwilling to go back saying “We can’t provide two fast, secure, reliable experiences, so we have decided to just keep the new version.”

They agree that the design is not optimal for smaller monitors and as monitor space is overwhelmed by ads and they are working on improvements to page layout that will give your inbox more space. They also inform that additional themes are being designed now, and will be coming soon. But I think they will not revert back like Sitemeter.

Microsoft started converting MSN Hotmail to Windows Live Hotmail worldwide last year and the new version promised better safety, productivity, and flexibility of their free email service across clients on the web, desktop, and mobile phones.

Earlier Microsoft had been enticing users to use Windows Live Hotmail on their mobile device to win a free Microsoft Zune music player every day! They also launched Cool Hotmail to let users create email accounts with a large variety of custom domain names.

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About the Author: P Chandra is editor of QOT, one of India's earliest tech bloggers since 2004. A tech enthusiast with expertise in coding, WordPress, web tools, SEO and DIY hacks.