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Britney Spears is Most Searched Term on Yahoo! Again

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Britney SpearsBritney Spears has topped Yahoo! 2008 Year in Review yet again. Yahoo! announced the most popular searches, themes, and trends as part of its year end review as estimated via billions of searches conducted by millions of Yahoo! users around the globe. Can you guess who are featuring in the top 10 list this year.

Britney Spears has been the most popular search term and person for seven out of eight years!

The singer’s steep trajectory to redemption restored her to the top of searches. Her year began with a police visit, hospital stay, and psych evaluation. She returned under her father’s shelter and, by summer, settled custody with her ex. Professionally, she guested on a sitcom, won thrice at the MTV Video Music Awards, broke records with “Womanizer,” relaunched her site, and released a documentary detailing her fall and comeback…by age 27.

Britney has recently launched her website and started blogging. She became famous online for topping the top ten viruses using celebrity names, and is a favorite with celebrity baby naming contests. However, this year she is no longer the most dangerous celebrity to search for in cyberspace.

Its not surprising that Barack Obama was the second most searched person in 2008. Other most popular searched celebrities in top 10 include Miley Cyrus, Jessica Alba, Lindsay Lohan and Angelina Jolie. Other Popular entertainment properties in top 10 included wrestling (WWE), video games (RuneScape), anime (Naruto) and television (American Idol).

Top 10 Rising Celebrity Searches is topped by Miley Cyrus, followed by Vanessa Anne Hudgens, Chris Brown, Jonas Brothers, Rihanna …

Top 10 Searched Influential Women is topped by Angelina Jolie, followed by Sarah Palin, Oprah, Hillary Clinton, Gina Carano …

Anyway Britney does it again!