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12 Quick Ways to Irritate Your Site Visitors

How do you irritate your visitors? Here are some common webmaster mistakes that make site visitors click away rather than enjoy browsing your site.

1 . Repeated newsletters

Nothing makes a visitor unsubscribe from your site faster than bombarding their mailbox with ‘ONCE IN A LIFETIME’ offers 3 times a day.

2. Embed videos that start without playing the PLAY button

For visitors having limited bandwidth, the additional data bytes you make them download is directly proportional to the disgust and anger they feel towards you and your Blog.

3. Cluttered slow loading sites

Does your site load under 3-4 seconds?? If no, cut the crap out. Make it smooth, make it simple. Make it lightning fast.

4. Poor Navigation Structure

Making people search for the home page link on your blog post assures you that they will never search for your home page again.

5. A popup subscribe to or special offers box

Appears screaming at your face, you need to scream to get noticed on the net these days, but this isn’t your safest bet!!

6. Changing the theme of your site every fortnight

With sexy wordpress themes in abundance, resist the temptation of changing your theme regularly. If you need, make subtle changes to your theme but dont go for a complete makeover after every 15 days.

7. Offer a bunch of Cool Links in every Blog post

Rather than real valued content Most visitors would prefer finding their desired content through Google directly rather than going to your site and wasting their precious 15-20 seconds.

8. Not responding to comments

If you dont have time to post timely replies to your visitors you are better off kicking the comments sections. A repeat visitor would click away from your site almost immediately if he finds his query unanswered after 24-48 hours.

9. Publish 2005 editions

If your e-book in the year 2009.

10. Lacking enthusiasm in your writing

We dont need dead posts. Get your content reviewed from somebody for the level of enthusiasm conveyed through that post.

11. Claiming to be an online expert

In your field of work while you know nothing more than the basic tips for your internet business.

12. Recommending useless products

This is a no brainer. If you recommend a product that is not worth its value, you can be assured that nobody will accept any further products from you even you offer them for FREE.

Guest author Viraj Sawant is an online entrepreneur who uses his skills to help people build their new internet businesses from scratch. Visit his blog on how to build a new web business tips and resources.