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Send Tips to Techmeme Using Twitter

Techmeme, the starting page for all technology news has now started accepting tips via Twitter to get them quickly posted on Techmeme. And if the article makes the Techmeme front page, they credit the Twitter profile for the tip.

Techmeme owns 2 Twitter accountsTechmeme Firehose posts all the Techmeme headlines on Twitter, while their other Twitter account Techmeme includes only the bigger stories of the day.

How to send tip to Techmeme using Twitter? Just include Tip @Techmeme in your message along with the URL of the news story. You can also include Tip @TechmemeFH along with the url in your tweet. If you were the first person to tip Techmeme about a story url, your Twitter id will be credited on the homepage of Techmeme if the story is posted.

Over time Techmeme editors are gaining more control over the automation and stories which appear on the Techmeme front page. I remember how earlier getting noticed by techmeme involved sending some ‘moderate level of traffic’ their way. Tips via Twitter is a smart move to involve the community and gain more buzz. You can also follow Techmeme’s Gabe Rivera, Megan McCarthy and Omer Horvitz on Twitter.