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Claim Sites on Google Ad Planner Publisher Center

Have you claimed your site on Google Ad Planner Publisher Center? The newly launched Publisher center integrates with the Ad Planner and Google Adwords and promises to showcase your website to advertisers even better.

First you can login to your Google Account, then claim your sites. If you already have a Google webmasters account, you can easily claim your sites in one click as they would already be associated with your account. Here is what our website details now look like.

Here are some features you can configure.

  1. Site descriptions – This will help advertisers better understand what your site is all about.
  2. Site categories – you can add up to five categories that match your sites content best.
  3. Advertising Url – link to the url on your site that best describes all advertising information useful to advertisers. This is a page that you can create and edit on your blog and provide targeted information.
  4. Ad Placement type – In-page, Floating, Transitional, Pop Up / Pop Under, In-stream Video or In-stream Audio
  5. Ad Creative format – Text, Image, Flash/Rich Media, Video (in-stream / overlay) or Audio
  6. Ad unit sizes – inform about different ad sizes available on your site which advertisers can target.
  7. Share Google Analytics data – The data you share will improve the accuracy of the traffic statistics that advertisers see for your site in Google Ad Planner and Google Trends for Websites and will provide advertisers with additional details about your site, such as the number of unique visitors and page views.

So claim your sites today and help advertising agencies and advertisers start placement-targeted campaigns on your site and make more money online by attracting more advertisers.

See the video below to get started now
